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Do Heirs Have to Pay Debts from an Estate?

First, debts in a person’s estate are payable from the decedent’s assets in the course of administering their probate estate or administering their living trust estate.
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Will In-Laws Inherit If I Don’t Have a Will?

When someone passes away, whether unexpectedly or not, it can raise questions about who will inherit what. Specifically, you might be wondering whether in-laws have a right to any of the assets of the deceased person.
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Use Estate Planning to Prepare for Cognitive Decline

Data from sources like the U.S. Census Bureau shows in no uncertain terms that the U.S. population has grown older over the prior two decades.
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What Do I Do If I’ve Lost an Important Document?

The word ‘paperwork’ has become an anachronism; most legal and business documents today are created, signed and stored digitally. However, a few actual pieces of paper remain vitally important to keep.
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Singles Need Estate Planning to Protect During Lifetime

You’re single, and you don’t have an estate plan or even a will. Perhaps you think you don’t need either because you’re not wealthy and don’t have children.
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Maximizing Benefits with Life Estate

A life estate is a type of property ownership or tenancy that grants an individual the right to use and enjoy a property for the remainder or their life. It gives an ownership interest to someone else.
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Estate Planning Requires Clear Direct Language, or Does It?

Contrary to what you might expect, using precatory language such as ‘I wish’ or ‘I hope’ can play an important part in three estate planning objectives.
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Protecting Assets with a Trust vs. Limited Liability Company

To protect assets effectively, you have to store them in the right legal entity. However, that can depend on whether you’re looking to protect business assets, avoid estate taxes, or protect personal assets from legal liability while running a business.
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Older Singles Can Plan to Protect Themselves

Aging solo is about those individuals who are widowed or not married, live alone and have no family or none they can count on. They are going through the last years of their lives on their own. It can be just fine until one’s health declines and the usual activities and access to friends get out of reach.
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How a Special Needs Trust (SNT) Protects Loved Ones

While it may not seem necessary when a special needs child is young, setting up a trust to ensure their financial stability is better to be done sooner rather than later.
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