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Should You Give Your Children an Inheritance Now?

Retirees should secure themselves first, and if you’re all set there, then consider a few other things, such as the impact on the children and tax issues.
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What Is the Relationship between Executor and Beneficiaries?

In terms of executor vs. beneficiary rights, there are several differences with regard to what type of authority each one has.
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Get These Estate and Tax Items Done Before It’s Too Late

What estate planners need to accomplish for their clients before Tax Day, as well as the regulatory changes they need to be aware of while preparing for the big day.
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What Makes Americans Worry about Estate Planning?

One-quarter of Americans said inflation has caused them to think about estate planning, the survey said. Two out of three Americans said they don’t have any kind of estate planning documents.
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Think Strategically when Creating an Estate Plan

Crafting a carefully considered estate plan can ensure that asset distribution aligns with both your intended legacy and your beneficiaries’ needs.
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What are the Big Emotional Issues in Estate Planning?

There is a massive movement of money going on right under our nose. It’s not illegal or unethical. However, it’s fraught with peril.
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Three Ways to Making Trusts Millennial Friendly

If your estate plan benefits Gen Y (also known as Millennials) it’s important to design a trust that supports what makes them thrive.
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Do Family Secrets Hurt Estate Planning?

A study by the financial services research firm reveals just how big a problem family secrets can be, as reported in Financial Advisor’s recent article “Family Wealth Transfers Undermined by Secrecy.” Most asset holders plan to share their wishes and intentions with family members before they die. However, the research reveals only about half actually…
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What Should I Ask a Prospective Estate Planning Attorney?

While more than half of Americans believe estate planning is essential, a mere 33% actually have a living trust or will. And one out of three respondents who don’t have a will reason that they don’t think they have sufficient assets to warrant estate planning.
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What Strategies Minimize Estate Taxes?

With 2022 bringing very little change to trust and estate law, 2023 remains a prime opportunity to take advantage of the favorable tax landscape.
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