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What Is a Residuary Estate?

In simple terms, a residuary estate is any part of your estate that hasn’t been distributed to your heirs through a last will and testament.
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Can an Executor or Trustee Take the Money and Run?

Succession planning involves accounting for the worst-case scenario. Without accounting for these risks, your plan could fail, require expensive litigation or jeopardize the family farm.
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Charitable Giving: Leaving Money to My School in My Estate Plan

A love for nursing and a desire to help young people prompted a Norfolk man to include a nursing scholarship at Northeast Community College in his estate planning.
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Professionals and High Net-Worth Families Need Estate Planning

Physicians may deal with life and death issues every day. However, few may want to think about the eventuality of their own end.
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Can Estate Plan Be Created without My Spouse?

I’m looking for guidance on where to start with planning in case something happens to me or my husband.
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Keep Your Beneficiary Designations Up to Date

Here’s a simple financial question: who is the beneficiary of your IRA? How about your 401(k) or annuity?
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Should Spouses Use the Same Estate Planning Lawyer?

You and your spouse may visit the same primary doctor, financial advisor and tax preparer. However, what about preparing your wills?
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How to Defend a Will Contest

The news is full of stories about the famous who didn’t bother to make a will to dispose of their substantial fortunes. Although many others did make a plan, various issues with their testamentary documents have led to costly and protracted litigation.
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How to Transfer Business to the Next Generation

Failing to properly plan for disability, death, or the ultimate transition of a family business can lead to disastrous financial consequences for both the business and the family.
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Estate Planning Mistakes That Lead to Breach of Family Harmony

Some estate planning decisions can lead to terrible family rifts that never recover.
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