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Estate Plans and Trusts: How Do They Work?

In this article, we will address two terms which some people use interchangeably, but which are very different things: living trusts and estate plans.
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Has the Pandemic Made People More Aware of Estate Planning?

Close to half of respondents earning $80,000 a year or more have a will, an increase of 7% since 2020, according to
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3 Important Legal Documents for Your 18-Year-Old ‘Kid’

Incapacity can occur because of illness or an accident. It can be temporary or permanent. That’s why every adult needs a power of attorney in place, once they turn eighteen.
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How to Find a Great Estate Planning Attorney

One of the most important decisions you’ll have to make when creating an estate plan is which estate planning law firm to work with.
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How to Plan for Taxes after Death

Ben Franklin once said, ‘… nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.’ For all certainties in life, the best thing you can do is plan for their eventual occurrence.
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What Happens Financially when a Spouse Dies?

When you lose your mate, you lose so much—your best friend, your equilibrium and your future together. Just when you’re at your lowest, it hits you: You could lose a lot of money, too.
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What are the Benefits of Putting Money into a Trust?

Grantor retained annuity trusts, intentionally defective grantor trusts, spousal lifetime access trusts, oh my! If you overhear two estate planning attorneys at a coffee shop, it would not be unreasonable to think that all clients have estate plans filled with trusts.
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Half of Americans Making More than $100K Don’t Have a Will

Among those who do not have an estate plan, 63% said that they have considered creating one in the past and 46% said they do not know how to start.
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Is Putting a Home in Trust a Good Estate Planning Move?

Homes are illiquid assets that produce no income and come with ongoing costs for upkeep. Those issues can cause some snags with your trust.
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What Should I Know about Estate Planning before ‘I Do’?

The thought of weddings and romance, honeymoons, guest lists, where to register, etc., leaves little room for estate planning. This article will provide five estate planning tips for newlyweds.
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