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Estate Planning Considerations for Minor Children

When preparing estate planning documents, certain beneficiaries may need more protection than others. One particular class of beneficiaries that needs to be intentionally considered is minor children.
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Top 10 Success Tips for Estate Planning

Estate planning is one of the most important steps you can take for yourself and your loved ones.
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Things You Need To Do After The Death of Your Spouse

In many marriages, one spouse manages the finances and the other manages the day-to-day household decisions and maintenance. But what if your spouse tragically, suddenly, passes away?
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The Most Important Part of an Estate Plan Is Planning for Living

Does a person need a Power of Attorney document if that person already has a Last Will and Testament (‘Will’)? It is a good question.
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Ask Mom if She has a Will or Estate Plan

My mother told me many times over the years that she had a will, and I believed her. When she passed away, we discovered that her will was 40 years old—and completely useless.
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Trusts and Wills: 6 Differences You Need To Know

Preparing an estate plan for managing and distributing your assets in the case of death is one of the most important steps you could take to protect and provide for loved ones.
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Another Reason Why You Need an Estate Planning Attorney

Property law can be complex and arcane, even for lawyers and judges. The rule against perpetuities is an example of how older property laws can influence how families transfer and inherit property rights.
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Protect Your Fur Family with a Pet Trust

With the largest spike in mortality in the United States in a century, following the onset of the pandemic, providing for one’s pets after death has become a growing topic of conversation for many animal lovers across the country.
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Problems Created When No Will Is Available

People who have had a serious case of COVID-19 are 66% more likely to engage in estate planning, and 32% of adults under 35 said they wrote a will because of the pandemic.
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Is a Living Will the Same as an Advance Directive?

Most people think of wills as written instructions for use after death. In contrast, living wills provide your instructions for continuing or halting life-sustaining healthcare while you’re alive.
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