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What to Do Before Naming a Family or Friend to be a Trustee

The person you choose to inventory and distribute the assets of your estate should not learn that fact while deep in grief.
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3 Signs You Definitely Need a Trust (and Not Just a Will)

Estate planning is akin to crafting a roadmap for the future; it’s about guiding your loved ones through the maze of your final wishes with clarity and ease. At the heart of this journey lie two pivotal tools: wills and trusts. While both serve to shepherd your assets posthumously, certain situations demand the finesse of a trust over…
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Can Grandparents Give Money to their Grandchildren for College?

As the cost of college tuition skyrockets, parents and grandparents can take advantage of tax-efficient 529 plans and higher limits on gift and estate taxes.
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What Should I Do to Get My Affairs in Order?

Making a plan in case you become incapacitated and preparing for your eventual death can help you to protect your assets and preserve your legacy.
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5 Reasons a Will Is Your Secret Weapon (Even If You're Young and Healthy)

In the vibrant journey of life, especially when we’re young and healthy, planning for the unexpected is often relegated to the back burner. The concept of a will, typically associated with age or affluence, might seem like a distant need. Yet, it’s a powerful tool that transcends…
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End-of-Life Documents: What You Need to Know

End-of-life planning is a crucial aspect of life that often goes unaddressed until it’s too late. In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss the essential end-of-life documents everyone must prepare, ensuring peace of mind and assuring that your wishes are honored…
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Why Choosing the Right Estate Planning Attorney Matters

Estate planning: two words that encapsulate the entirety of your life’s work and the legacy you wish to leave behind. It is a profound yet often misunderstood aspect of personal finance and legal preparedness. As an experienced estate planning attorney, I’ve seen firsthand the turmoil and heartache…
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Top 5 Estate Planning Nightmares You Can Avoid with a Will

In the realm of estate planning, a common adage rings true: “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” As an experienced estate planning attorney, I’ve witnessed firsthand the turmoil and heartache that can ensue when individuals neglect the crucial step of…
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How to Liquidate Assets after a Loved One's Death

The loss of a loved one is a difficult time, often compounded by the necessity of addressing estate settlement and the liquidation of assets. In this guide, we’ll explore the key steps involved in liquidating assets after death, focusing on estate settlement processes and related legal considerations. Understanding the Role of…
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Estate Planning for Children: Ensuring a Secure Future

Estate planning is a critical process for any parent concerned about the future well-being of their children. In today’s uncertain world, having a robust plan is not just a wise decision but a necessary step in safeguarding your children’s future…
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