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How Do I Talk to My Parents About Estate Planning?

If you have a parent over the age of, say, 65, thoughts about their future may have started to creep into your mind. But because end-of-life planning can be emotional and overwhelming, it’s tempting to put these conversations off — and even more pleasing to avoid them altogether. If there’s a lesson to be learned from the pandemic, however, it’s that waiting until the last minute to prepare is seldom a good idea.
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Should I have a Charitable Trust in My Estate Plan?

A charitable trust allows you to donate assets to a chosen tax-exempt charitable organization or nonprofit and comes with certain tax benefits to help you minimize what you might owe to the government.
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Are Millennials Estate Planning?

As the coronavirus pandemic increased anxiety and upended many lives, it led U.S. millennials to get more serious about end-of-life planning.
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What Does an Estate Plan Include?

A will is first. In essence, a will spells out who will get your stuff, in what proportions they will get it and in some instances at least, upon what conditions.
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Why Do So Few Black Americans Have Wills?

When actor Chadwick Boseman died, he didn’t have a will. Neither did recording artists Prince and Aretha Franklin. Each time the news broke, there was surprise that such notable names hadn’t made estate plans. Yet, estate planning isn’t as common as experts argue it should be, particularly among Black Americans.
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How Do I Give Assets to Minor Grandchildren in My Will?

You have many options to make sure your wishes are followed after you die.
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What Can a Trust Do for Me and My Family?

Trusts are often associated with the rich, but the uber-wealthy are not the only people who can benefit from using trusts. There is no minimum asset level or net worth required to set up a trust, and you can put any amount of money into a trust.
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Who Is the Best Choice for Power of Attorney?

These agents take over your affairs in specific areas, if you become physically or mentally incapacitated.
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What Can’t I Forget in My Will Now that I’m 50?

Without a will, decisions made about your property and assets will be handed over to local courts, which can make an already challenging time even harder for your loved ones.
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Does Your Will and Estate Planning Documents Need to Be Updated?

It’s generally recommended that you review your will and other end-of-life documents at least every few years, although there can be reasons to do a checkup more often.
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