If you’re seeking guardianship or conservatorship for a relative who is unable to take care of their own personal or financial needs, get ready for the long haul.
It is very important for unmarried couples to execute estate planning documents to make their wishes clear concerning the rights and responsibilities of their significant other.
First, debts in a person’s estate are payable from the decedent’s assets in the course of administering their probate estate or administering their living trust estate.
When someone passes away, whether unexpectedly or not, it can raise questions about who will inherit what. Specifically, you might be wondering whether in-laws have a right to any of the assets of the deceased person.
The word ‘paperwork’ has become an anachronism; most legal and business documents today are created, signed and stored digitally. However, a few actual pieces of paper remain vitally important to keep.
You’re single, and you don’t have an estate plan or even a will. Perhaps you think you don’t need either because you’re not wealthy and don’t have children.
A life estate is a type of property ownership or tenancy that grants an individual the right to use and enjoy a property for the remainder or their life. It gives an ownership interest to someone else.