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The Hidden Pitfalls of Co-Owning a Vacation Home

Explore the benefits and challenges of co-owning a vacation home, and how an estate planning attorney can help prevent potential disputes.
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Digital Life Lives on After You’re Gone, Unless You Plan Ahead

We all have a digital footprint that does not necessarily die with us. There are three things you should do to best prepare your executor, trustee or other personal representative to properly handle your posthumous digital affairs.
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How Does a Revocable Trust Work?

The terms ‘revocable trust’ and ‘living trust’ are commonly heard in an estate-planning context. You may hear people say, ‘My house is in trust for my children,’ or something along those lines.
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What Women Preparing for Retirement Need to Know

Women live longer than men and generally make less money. This affects how they should prepare for retirement.
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How a Teen's $250,000 Inheritance Vanished: Protect Your Heirs with a Trust

Learn from a teen's loss of a $250K inheritance and discover how inheritance trusts can protect and guide your family's future financial decisions.
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The Hidden Risks of Adding Your Child as a Life Insurance Beneficiary

Discover why adding your child as a life insurance beneficiary has inherent risks and explore how trusts and appointing a legal guardian can best ensure that your child’s future is secure.
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Maximizing Your Legacy: 2024 Estate Planning Opportunities

Use tax season to review income and expenses from 2023 and set new financial goals for 2024 to maximize opportunities.
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Difference Between Guardianship and Conservatorship

Understanding the difference between guardianship and conservatorship is crucial for protecting the interests of those unable to make decisions for themselves. Whether you are planning for the future or seeking immediate assistance, take appropriate steps to ensure that your loved ones are cared for, and your estate is managed according to your wishes.
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How Should a Single Person Create an Estate Plan?

Estate planning for singles: make a will, draft a durable power-of-attorney, name an attorney-in-fact, and a health care proxy.
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Estate Planning for Young Adults: Navigating Your Future with Confidence

Estate planning isn't just for the elderly or the wealthy. Find out why young adults must start their estate planning early and what documents they should include.
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