We all want to protect vulnerable people from harm. However, taking away all their rights usually isn’t the place to start. Instead, there are several less severe options that could be the right way to go.
The important thing to acknowledge is that the emotions behind the reasons are not trivial, but are important and should not be dismissed or minimized.
There is no legal requirement that anyone give anyone else money or property when they pass. The law says that as long as you understand what you’re doing, you can give your assets to anyone you feel like giving them to, equal or not.
All couples can now take advantage of tax benefits for married partners, pass assets from one spouse to another with ease and qualify for Social Security spousal and survivor benefits. However, not all couples want to get married.
A critical item is often missing from back-to-school college checklists — and it could be far more valuable than anything else your student takes to school this fall: signed legal documents.