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How Do You Split an Estate in a Blended Family?

Good estate planning must consider more than what you want to happen to your property and for your beneficiaries. It also must consider what you intentionally want to avoid happening.
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How Do I Stop Heirs from Foolishly Wasting Inheritance?

One of the biggest concerns a trust creator might have is that the beneficiary would squander their inheritance or that the beneficiary’s creditor would attach the inheritance to cover the beneficiary’s debt.
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Here’s Why You Need an Estate Plan

No matter what line of work you are in, estate planning has facets that apply to everyone, and it comes down to documenting wishes and avoiding probate and unnecessary taxes. Too many people put it off, but, in general, the sooner you do it, the better.
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Will I Live Longer, if I Babysit the Grandchildren?

Looking for an extra incentive to spend some quality time with your grandchildren? Try telling their parents that it could extend your life.
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