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Challenging a Will: What to Do If You Believe Your Inheritance Is Incorrect

Dealing with inheritance issues? Learn your rights and how to contest a will and preserve your loved one’s wishes.
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Should I have an Irrevocable Trust?

An irrevocable trust must be carefully funded, structured and managed to achieve both asset protection and tax planning.
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Essential Legal Documents for Graduating Seniors

Young adults need essential legal documents like a healthcare proxy and living will to ensure their wishes are respected and their interests protected.
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Estate Planning and Your Second Home: What Should You Know?

Thinking of buying a second home? Beware of real estate pitfalls when purchasing your vacation house.
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What Happens When Executors Keep Beneficiaries in the Dark?

Is it unusual that named beneficiaries would not be given copies of or, at the very least, be allowed to view the will?
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Diverse Family Structures Can Have an Impact on Estate Planning in Los Angeles, California

The law doesn’t always cater to diverse family structures. Those who live as extended families, as part of same-sex couples, or other families need to pay special attention to estate planning.
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Elvis Presley's Estate Planning Mistakes: Lessons for Us All

Learn from Elvis Presley’s estate planning mistakes and see how a comprehensive plan can help protect your family's legacy and minimize future conflicts.
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Who Gets Access to Your Digital Assets Account When You Die?

From engaging with people professionally and personally, to posting photos, storing files and accessing our bank account information, this all represents what’s known as our ‘digital legacy.’
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What Information Should Be in a Will?

Most people spend each phase of their lives preparing for the next one, whether it's starting a family, buying their first home, or eventually retiring.
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Update Beneficiaries to Protect Assets after Gray Divorce

Explore critical steps for updating beneficiaries after a mid to late-life divorce to protect assets and secure loved ones' futures.
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