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What Can a Trust Do for Me and My Family?

Trusts are often associated with the rich, but the uber-wealthy are not the only people who can benefit from using trusts. There is no minimum asset level or net worth required to set up a trust, and you can put any amount of money into a trust.
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Who Is the Best Choice for Power of Attorney?

These agents take over your affairs in specific areas, if you become physically or mentally incapacitated.
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What Can’t I Forget in My Will Now that I’m 50?

Without a will, decisions made about your property and assets will be handed over to local courts, which can make an already challenging time even harder for your loved ones.
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Does Your Will and Estate Planning Documents Need to Be Updated?

It’s generally recommended that you review your will and other end-of-life documents at least every few years, although there can be reasons to do a checkup more often.
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What are Common Mistakes People Make with Living Trusts?

Of course, just because you have a living trust doesn't mean you are all set. Here are a few of the most common mistakes people make with their living trusts.
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When Does Someone Need a Guardian?

Seeking a guardianship for a loved one is a decision that shouldn't be taken lightly. Here's how the process works.
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What Assets Should Be Considered when Planning Estate?

From digital assets to financial accounts to sentimental items, here’s what to think about to make sure your loved ones have access to everything they need when you pass away.
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What Should Not Be Included In A Trust?

A revocable living trust is a great tool to help your assets pass smoothly to your beneficiaries and it can significantly reduce the headaches of probate.
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What Legal Terms in Estate Planning do Non-Lawyers Need to Know?

For most people, entering the realm of estate planning can feel a bit like traveling as a tourist into another culture. Because the language itself is unfamiliar, asking a question can result in an answer that is equally confusing.
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How Do You Split an Estate in a Blended Family?

Good estate planning must consider more than what you want to happen to your property and for your beneficiaries. It also must consider what you intentionally want to avoid happening.
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