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Can I Protect My Inheritance from Divorce?

Your dad bequeathed you a generous sum of money on his passing. Those gifted and inherited assets, in many instances, will be considered ‘separate property,’ not marital property. That might mean that they might not be subject to division, if you divorce. However, perhaps you want to backstop that hoped for result to make the protection more likely to stick if your marriage doesn’t work out.
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Family Communication: An Essential Component of Estate Planning

For most families, the estate planning process is more involved than simply naming beneficiaries. While the primary goal of estate planning is transferring assets in an orderly and tax-efficient manner, it’s just as important to focus on preserving wealth across generations.
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Pet Trusts: Ensuring your Pets' Future

While it’s never fun or pleasant to think about what will happen to them if the worst should happen to us, it’s very important to consider how we can ensure that they are well cared-for when and if we are no longer able to care for them ourselves.
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Is Succession Planning Necessary for Family Business Entities?

While 88% of business owners believe their family will control their business in five years, statistics from Family Business Institute show that only 33% of businesses survive to transfer to the next generation, and only 10-15% continue to the third generation.
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Can a Vacation Home Be Kept in the Family for Generations?

These vacation homes may also comprise a significant portion of the family’s wealth. Therefore, it’s understandable that homeowners want to pass their properties and family traditions to future generations.
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Does an Elder Orphan Need an Estate Plan?

This is big concern for millions of older Americans who don’t have a spouse, children or other family they can depend on to watch out for their well-being.
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When Can Estate Assets Be Distributed?

Many estate executors focus on estate taxes and forget about income taxes. That can be an expensive mistake.
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What Is the Gift Tax for 2022?

Two years into the pandemic, countless lives have been impacted by COVID 19. Faced with daily reminders of the consequences of this illness, estate planning seems to be on the minds of many.
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How Do I Avoid Probate?

There are good reasons why people want their estates to avoid probate, and a lot of ways to do it.
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Is Estate Planning Affected by Property in Two States?

When it comes to owning property in two different states, you may wonder how to manage these in your estate plans.
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