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What about House Contents when Someone Dies?

It is quite a tragedy when a loved one passes away. You may want to remember them by keeping sentimental objects from their home, or perhaps they wanted you to inherit a specific item.
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How Does My Inherited IRA Fit into Estate Planning?

Most people don’t know the first thing about the Secure Act and yet it has great impact on their retirement planning.
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Can a Family Limited Liability Company Reduce Estate Taxes?

These vehicles let a family manage multiple interests, preserve parental control and protect assets from claims of creditors and divorcing spouses, among other benefits.
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Why Have a Joint Revocable Trust?

Establishing a joint revocable trust can be an ideal estate planning tool for the benefit of your children, grandchildren and beyond.
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What Should I Leave Out of My Will?

Unfortunately, there are several common missteps people make in their estate planning that can lead to unwanted results. Read on to discover the two things you should never include in your will, as well as what to substitute instead.
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Does Power of Attorney Perform the Same Way in Every State?

The law sometimes appears to contradict itself. Specifically, the words ‘anything and everything’ do not always legally mean ‘anything and everything’.
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Does ‘Gray Divorce’ Fit into Estate Planning?

“Gray divorce” — the unfortunately named term for divorce after age 50 — is increasing among baby boomers.
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Is Bitcoin Part of an Estate?

Have you thought about what will happen to your bitcoin when you die? For many of us, the thought has at least crossed our mind.
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Can You Inherit a House with a Mortgage?

Dealing with the loss of a loved one is never easy. When inheritances, homes, estates and mortgages are involved, tensions can run high within a family. It is easy to get lost in the paperwork and terms.
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How to Know If a Last Will Is Invalid

When considering whether to contest a decedent’s Last Will and Testament, an individual should consider whether red flags might be present which may point to a successful basis to challenge a disputed Will.
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