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High-Interest Rates Have an Impact on Estate Planning

When the 7520 rate is low—as it has been for 15 years—opportunities for good planning abound.  However, what about when the rate is high? Few estate planners have needed to ask themselves that question until very recently.
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Is Estate Planning and Writing a Will the Same Thing?

Many people think that estate planning and writing a will are the same. However, one is actually just part of the other.
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Protect Your Estate: Tips on How to Safely Store Your Estate Plan

Safeguarding legal documents and providing access to this information is a big consideration in your caregiving plan.
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Can a 529 Plan Help with Estate Planning?

You can set up a 529 savings plan account for any beneficiary. You can also set up accounts for as many beneficiaries as you want.
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What Is the Best Asset Protection?

Perhaps the largest number of people who may benefit from asset protection planning are those who are at most mildly concerned about asset protection issues, or not even aware of the need for such planning.
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What Is Included in an Estate Inventory?

One of the essential steps in the probate process is filing an inventory of all the assets that are part of the estate.
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Should Each Child Get Equal Inheritance?

Equally sharing the wealth among the children isn’t always fair, such as when one sibling is the primary caretaker, or another is already wealthy.
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Is an Estate Plan Battle Looming?

If you own any property at all, you probably know about estate planning. You can decide what happens to your assets after you die, of course.
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What Is a Residuary Estate?

In simple terms, a residuary estate is any part of your estate that hasn’t been distributed to your heirs through a last will and testament.
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Can an Executor or Trustee Take the Money and Run?

Succession planning involves accounting for the worst-case scenario. Without accounting for these risks, your plan could fail, require expensive litigation or jeopardize the family farm.
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